Happy to announce that I will be participating in a nationally-broadcast webinar on Thursday, June 29th from 1:00pm ET to 2:30pm ET. I will be joined by two Kentucky elder law attorneys, Kelly Gannot, Esq. and Misty Clark VanTrease. Esq. from Kentucky Elder Law PLLC which has offices in Bowling Green and Louisville.
The webinar is being presented by Strafford Publications. The details have not been posted on their website yet.
The webinar will focus exclusively on what is probably the most popular question among my clients in a Medicaid planning context: "Should I gift the house to my children?" A simple question, but a very complicated legal analysis. We will discuss Medicaid eligibility and gifting rules, the myriad tax consequences of gifting a house, the pro's and con's of using an irrevocable income-only trust instead of an outright transfer of ownership, as well as several other topics.
I hope you can tune in! Click here for registration information.