Concerns about "filial responsibility" or creating a legal obligation for children to financially support their parents, has recently surfaced as a national concern (with good reason) in the nursing home / Medicaid context.
Much to my surprise, it turns out that Connecticut is one of the 30 states with such a law. I say "surprise" because in nearly 15 years of practice I have never heard of the Department of Social Services citing or enforcing this law. Nonetheless, it is on the books, so you should be aware of it.
On the bright side, it is not as troubling as other state laws since it creates a legal obligation to support indigent parents who are under age 65. That means it's not a concern for the vast majority of families in Connecticut facing nursing home placement issues. Still, it could be an issue for some families if the State ever begins enforcing this law.
On the down side, it does carry a prison sentence if the support duty is not fulfilled without good cause.
Click here for an online Forbes article on this topic.
Click here for the statute itself.