Many of my clients struggle with dementia, but I never realized the disproportionate manner in which cancer strikes those 55 and over. According to this article from WSOC's website out of Charlotte, NC, a whopping 77% of all cancer cases diagnosed in the United States are diagnosed in those 55 years of age and older (please note that although the title of the article is "Cancer in the Elderly", I absolutely do NOT consider a 55 year-old to be elderly. Please take note, mom and dad!).
Another troubling issue pointed out in the article is that seniors have a unique set of problems when it comes to cancer treatment, such as pre-existing medical conditions, the use of many different medicines, dementia and social isolation.
Thankfully, it appears that the American medical community is taking steps to address this issue as the baby boomers continue to flood into the "over 55" category. In the meantime, valuable information on cancer prevention can be found at the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute.