The Purple Heart 5K in South Windsor yesterday was a little disappointing timewise for me. 20:36, which is a few seconds slower than when I ran the same course back in March despite the cold temperatures back then. But I took 3rd overall and 1st in my age group, so that helped my ego a little. It also brought me up to 25 racing points, which brings me within just 5 points of my 2019 goal and equals the grand total for last year. So that's definitely something to celebrate. Then I followed the race up with lots of soccer with my sons, nephews and brother-in-law in the afternoon. So I was good and knackered by the end of the day. The Samuel Adams Octoberfest beer was well-deserved.
Still pretty tired this morning. Did a couple of miles real easy in the Western Boulevard area before hitting the gym. I fit in 8 exercises, 2 for each of the following muscle groups: delts, pecs, biceps and triceps. Not bad. Worked it pretty hard.
Next race is the 5K at the Montville Day of Races on Sunday. Going to see Cam's 1st race of the XC season with Owen on Saturday. Looking forward to that since I know what the race course looks like this year.
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